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25 Inspirational Wedding Websites from Real Couples

By David Nge | Last Updated: November 14, 2024

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Congrats on your wedding!

Here are some of the best wedding websites I've seen designed by real couples.

They are handpicked after scouring over a hundred wedding websites on the internet. I hope they will inspire you :)

All of these websites are built using website builders and wedding platforms.

If you need more detail, check the review I wrote on website builders couple use to design their wedding website.


1. Sijoy & Michele

Sijoy and Michele's Wedding
Sijoy and Michele's Wedding

Made with Minted

A simple wedding website layout with beautiful custom graphics. Sijoy and Michele highlight the best moment they spent with each other and how they made each other a better person each. Custom art by Jennifer Postorino.

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2. Chloe & Blake

Chloe and Blake's Wedding
Chloe and Blake's Wedding

Made with Minted

A simple dark themed wedding website showcasing the moment Blake proposed to Chloe! This website was built on Minted’s standard theme and the custom art is made by Emily Betts.

3. Kristina & Nolan

Kristina and Nolan's Wedding
Kristina and Nolan's Wedding

Made with Minted

It's cool that Kristina and Nolan created their website with Minted on a custom domain. They even have printed invitation for every guest!

4. Simone & Lincoln

Simone and Lincoln's Wedding
Simone and Lincoln's Wedding

Made with Minted

Simone and Lincoln chose a classy, romantic theme to go with their wedding site. That's fitting considering they met each other at the iconic cafe, Brunetti's on Lygon St, Carlton, Australia.

5. Adrienne & Kyle

Adrienne and Kyle's Wedding
Adrienne and Kyle's Wedding

Made with TheKnot

I love this nature inspired and rustic website theme that Adrienne and Kyle chose. The overall wedding site gives a vintage 1970s vibe that capture their love story so well.

6. Jessica & Curtis

Jessica and Curtis' Wedding
Jessica and Curtis' Wedding

Made with TheKnot

A clean wedding website that features strong typography and photographs speak for itself. Jessica and Curtis detailed their comical love story that involves the most common surname on the planet.

7. Ellie & David

Ellie and David's Wedding
Ellie and David's Wedding

Made with TheKnot

You can't help but grin on Ellie and David's down to earth (literally) website. Sometimes you don't need a fancy website to impress your guests when you have a cool story to tell.

8. Jessica & Kyle

Jessica and Kyle's Wedding
Jessica and Kyle's Wedding

Made with TheKnot

Who doesn't like classic Black & White? Jessica and Kyle did a great job designing a wedding website that look timeless. Fun fact: they met over an online forum! Who needs social media when words will do.

9. Andrea & Taylor

Andrea and Tayor's Wedding
Andrea and Tayor's Wedding

Made with TheKnot

Andrea and Tayor's website is the kind you don't mind showing to your friends and family even though it's not "professionally designed". It's full of personality and clearly they had a blast making this site.

10. Taylor & Caleb

Taylor and Caleb's Wedding
Taylor and Caleb's Wedding

Made with TheKnot

Taylor and Caleb's chose a simple theme to go with their wedding website. But don't be fooled by the simple layout, they have one heck of a registry. You should check em out if you need some ideas for your registry.

11. Samantha & Lewin

Samantha and Lewin's Wedding
Samantha and Lewin's Wedding

Made with Zola

Samantha and Lewin chose a chic design and it's one of the cutest wedding site around! If that isn't good enough, they held their wedding on the Mardi Gras Carnival Cruise. A moment to remember for sure.

12. Nikki & Elizabeth

Nikki & Elizabeth's wedding
Nikki & Elizabeth's wedding

Made with Zola

A simple yet tasteful wedding site impresses alright! It's hard to put a finger on it, but there's a lot inspiration to take from Nikki and Elizabeth's wedding — the font choice, layout, photo filters, and everything in between.

13. Chase & Rachel

Chase and Rachel's Wedding
Chase and Rachel's Wedding

Made with Zola

If you have a great photo, use it to your advantage. That's what Chase and Rachel did with their Triceratops couple pic. It's just an overall good vibe from the couple.

14. Rachel & Graeme

Rachel and Graeme's Wedding
Rachel and Graeme's Wedding

Made with Zola

Someone please find out where did rachel and Grame took their photoshoot. It's breathtaking. Not to mention the site overall is so well made.

15. Luc & Casey

Luc and Casey's Wedding
Luc and Casey's Wedding

Made with Wix

Looking for a French inspired wedding website? Look no further than Luc and Casey's. What's also cool about their site is that they give careful instructions for guests who are travelling from abroad.

16. Phicole

Philip and Nicole's wedding
Philip and Nicole's wedding

Made with Wix

If there's a wedding website award, it'll go to Philip and Nichole! The entire site is custom built — top to bottom — by the good folks at PopThat. They've even made music video for the couple.

17. Brooke & Stephen

Brooke and Stephen's Wedding
Brooke and Stephen's Wedding

Made with Wix

With just a quick glance, you can tell Brooke and Stephen's website is designed by someone with a keen eye. I love the typography and layout is unique. The best feature is the black and white image carousel with some of their best moments!

18. Luiza & Alexandre

Luiza and Alexandre's Wedding
Luiza and Alexandre's Wedding

Made with Wix

Luiza and Alexandre's wedding site oozes holiday vibe. Quite fitting when your wedding is held in Rota dos Milagres, Brazil! That aside, the entire site (along with thier photoshoot) is romantic to say the least.

19. Van & Nic

Van and Nic's Wedding
Van and Nic's Wedding

Made with Squarespace

Chic and stylish is how I'd describe Vansant and Nicollela's site. Heck, even their names are cool. I like the fact that they specifically dressed up for the website photoshoot.

20. Dana & Michael

Dana and Michael's Wedding
Dana and Michael's Wedding

Made with Squarespace

Dana and Michael's wedding site is filled with little quirks and feel good vibes. That's what you get when you host your wedding in Palm Springs!

21. Javan & Rebekah

Javan and Rebekah's Wedding
Javan and Rebekah's Wedding

Made with Squarespace

Charming, elegant, and sophisticated. Javan and Rebekah's wedding site features lots of cool photos from their wedding.

22. Rush & Danit

Ruh and Danit's Wedding
Ruh and Danit's Wedding

Made with Squarespace

There's plenty of inspiration to draw from Rush & Danit's wedding site. They collect song requests, wrote a local travel guide for their guests, feature their super cute 2 year old Shih tzu!

23. Tank & Grace

Tank & Grace's Wedding
Tank & Grace's Wedding

Made with Squarespace

Tanks and Grace held a beautiful jungle themed wedding. I like that they tell their story through a parallax scrolling page. The cute pictures from back when they're young is the cherry on top.

24. John & Joy

John and Joy's Wedding
John and Joy's Wedding

Made with Joy

John and Joy's wedding site is simple yet practical. It's a little unassuming but has all the info a guest would need to find their wedding. They even have a cute story to tell.

25. Sallie & Aaron

Sallie and Aaron's Wedding
Sallie and Aaron's Wedding

Made with Joy

This is a good example that you don't need fancy design to make a good wedding website. It's fun, it's easy to read, and most importantly, it has everything a guest needs to know.

David Nge

David is the founder of MakingThatWebsite.com and started making websites for businesses back in 2014. He's a keen learner and wants to share his journey and knowledge with other business owners and freelancers. He launched MakingThatWebsite.com in 2021 to make website building more approachable and scalable for businesses.

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